Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Looking so cute.

Dogs and bath time

I think the dogs like Carter's bath time just as much as he does. I can only tolerate the dogs in the bathroom for about 5 min because all they want to do is lick the soap and water off Carter. It is such a funny site.

Getting ready for Christmas

It is so much fun to see Carter amazed by all the Christmas decorations and lights.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Our Family

Visit with my cousins

We had a great Thanksgiving down in New Jersey. It was great to see everyone but it was even better watching the kids play together. Caleb liked to push Carter down a lot but he will learn to stand his ground soon.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Ready to go

The boy is ready to go.

Friday, November 9, 2007


Carter is officially walking...he is a crazy man. He started walking last weekend (9 1/2 months) and has improved a lot this week. He walks across the living room and from one toy to the other and is so proud of himself. He loves to knock over his blocks and enjoys putting things inside his blocks.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Holloween

Our little Eeyore is just too precious. I have to say I have enjoyed dressing him up and taking pictures. Carter thinks it's o.k. for about 5 min then he wants the hood off his head. We are excited to see all the kids tonight.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

My Firetruck

A few weeks ago Nanni and Grampy came to visit and got this firetruck for Carter. He thinks it is the greatest thing. He loves to be pushed on it..carry his balls in the seat..and is so proud of himself pushing it. Not to mention Jon and I sing the firetruck song all the time.

Playing with Mr Frog

9 months has gone by in a flash. He loves to walk along the furniture and just this week has taken a step on his own a few times. Everything is DaDa the rest of his talking is just jibberish mixed in with screams.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Go Pats!

He is just too cute sometimes.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What do I do with this rope?

Enough kisses

Carter was all done with Kyra's kisses.

Can I go swimming?

We took the dogs swimming on our walk this morning. The dogs were very excited and Carter watched while standing in a little dingy.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

8 months

It is hard to believe that Carter is 8 months already. He is such a little boy. He loves to stand and walk along the furniture. He stands for about 10 -15 seconds by himself before he either getting too excited or just loosing his balance. He knows how to get down off of the couch...thanks to Gabe. And when he gets down he is so proud of himself and stills looks for his round of applause. He also loves to knock things over...if you stack his books or blocks up...he knocks them down and gets so excited. It is amaxing watching him grow and we are loving and treasuring every moment.

Good times in Kansas

We had a great time visiting everyone! Carter loved his piano and guitar lessons (Thanks Nick and Gabe) ...and not to forget the singing lessons from Mary Anne. Thanks to everyone who helped take care of the boy when I was not feeling well. We miss everyone and had a wonderful time. Love you.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Carter's new toy

Carter loves his new activity table! He thinks it is the greatest thing. He likes testing his balance out with no hands. He stands for a few seconds and then falls, but is so proud of himself. We are off to Kansas in the morning so I will talk to everyone soon.

Friday, August 24, 2007

playing outside

Carter loves to be outside. I can't keep him in one place for long and everything he sees must go in him mouth. Would you look at his teeth. He loves to chew his Cheerios now, he thinks its great.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Standing is Carter's new favorite thing. He is even getting better at getting down. He at least tries to fall on to his butt instead of just letting go and falling. He still hits his head a fair amount but he just rolls over and dose it all over again.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Look at me

Carter loves to see what is in all the baskets!

ready to go

Carter getting ready to go to lunch.

So Proud

Carter is so proud of himself lately. He just broke the skin on his third tooth, and is starting to pull himself up to his knees to look at things. He is 17lbs 7 oz and 26 1/2 inches long.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Bath time

Carter is so excited to sit up in the bath tub. He thinks it is the greatest thing. We were having a hard time trying to get him to stay on his back for baths. He thought he could flip over and just swim. Now everyone is happy at bath time.


The kids had a great time playing. Carter was fascinated by Aidan and Ingrid and loved all the extra attention.

On the Go

Carter loves to move around. He is still army crawling but has gotten very good at it. He can move across the room in 2 seconds flat and then is so proud of himself. He loves to explore his basket of toys and to pull them all out. He has a few balls that he rolls/chases across the room and he has the best time.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

wrinkling the nose

Okay here is the wrinkling of the nose I was talking about. Carter is getting so big so quickly. He just broke the skin on his first tooth! And he is a master at the army crawl. Last weekend he was still just going in circles and by Tuesday he was scooting all over the place. He is so excited going from one corner of the room to the other.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Story Time

Carter loves his story time...he just started to hold the book. He thinks it is much easier to eat when he is holding it verses me holding it.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Trying to crawl

Carter just started getting up on his knees. He is not sure what to do yet but he figured out that he can lunge and get his toys.


Just wanted to send a wink out to everyone. Carter is getting good at making faces.....him and his daddy practice daily. He can also wrinkle his nose up but I'm always too busy laughing and I don't get a picture.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Beach Days

What a great time the kids had......Nicole, Janet, Esmae and Caleb came up for a few day. Everyone enjoyed the beach. Caleb found out that he liked the taste of sand and Esmae loved running back and forth to the water to fill up her pails. Carter was happy playing in his tent then just being held. Thank you Nicole and Janet for making the drive with the kids. It was lots of fun.